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Health food app

For full-time workers, who wish to have a healthy diet, but do not have time to prepare them.

Date: 11.01.2021 to 01.03.2021

Tools: Figma, Zeplin, Miro

Challenge/Problem Overview


Having a busy routine, full of chores, commitments, and responsibilities is a reality in many people's lives. College, work, family, household chores, and social life fill all of our time. Within this busy context, having a healthy and balanced diet becomes a big challenge and many people prefer to eat/buy fast foods. This results in unhealthy eating habits such as eating junk food frequently and skipping meals.


Healthy eating practices in the workplace bring benefits to both the institution and the employee, such as lower rates of absenteeism due to illness, more disposition, better performance in activities throughout the day, and improved quality of life.


Discovery: Research & Analysis

Were recruited participants who work full-time with similar and different carriers. It helped me to understand that it doesn’t matter what do they work with, what matters is that all of them don’t have much time to do so many things, that is why full-time employees don't like to spend time cooking or going to a supermarket when they have a short free time, and that makes hard to keep a healthy food habit.


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Design: Concepts & Sketching

After some analysis, participants said that they prefer to eat something fast like sneaks or order food, so they can use their time to do other activities. All participants don’t want to waste time cooking but they wish to eat healthier. 


“I don't like to cook at all. It requires to be creative, and find good ingredients, otherwise, I will eat something not tasty, so I prefer to order something ready.”

Participant 9


Based on these data, my idea was to create a new app that could offer the users 100% natural ready frozen meal plans, healthy desserts and sneaks with different categories of food.


  • The users will be able to order food for a week or more days, so they don’t have to waste their time waiting for food delivery every day. We could offer frozen natural food plans for the  7, 10,14, 30 days;


  • The app should give the freedom for the user to personalize their food or choose a standard menu.


Design principles applied

1. People enjoy having choices, they can have control. 

2. Following patterns: they recognize easily what is profile, cart, home, and like/save.

3. Peripheral vision: red dot to get the attention that something is in the cart.

4. Proximity: divide groups into different spaces.


Develop: Prototyping

Users can see special deals and benefits of healthy frozen food. They can order packed meals choosing between 2 features. 


1. Standard ( they have sets of specific dishes), Once select, users can see details of each plate with ingredients, nutrition table, amount.

2. Customized ( the can-defined single meals). Once select, users can see details about ingredients, nutrition table, amount.


Actions for users to take:

  • Users can select the categories of food, such as low carb, conventional, vegan, vegetarian, etc. (The green bottom means it is selected and it moves to the next page.)


  • If users don’t have time to think about what they can eat during the week or month, they can simply choose the standard menu sets plan.It offers food plan from 5 days ( 5,10,20 meals ) to 20 days (20,40,60,80 meals). This amount will change, according to the user's needs, for example: do the user needs 1,2,3, or meals daily?


  • Users have an option to personalize their food plan. They can choose the number of plates (in case they want to repeat their favorite meal, this is a good option.)


Design: Iteration


Goals: Decrease time on the task

Signals: Number of users who end before the end of section

Metrics: Track where users are dropping off the task on the prototype


I decided to increase options to “Go back home” because 50% of users didn’t end the section “go back home”


Even the app has a home icon, I believe users dropped off the “go back home” because it seems they didn’t find an arrow which makes them related to “go back”.

before and after iteration.png

Solution & Impact Overview

Alternative solution:

I add one arrow on the top left,  so users can find the way back easier. Now they have 2 options to go back to the home page: pressing the “Home” icon, or on the “back arrow”, so this can decrease the time thinking or looking for it. 


After this change, all users could go back home page successfully. 60% used the “arrow button” instead of home icon, and 40% used the home icon.

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